Sunday Morning | Live Kids Program | 10:30am on Zoom
Ali (our kids director) will be online live where she can see and speak with our kids. They have a whole program planned. We are using Zoom for this, so you will want to make sure your kids have a device (phone, tablet, or computer) so that they can connect. Head over a few minutes before start time to make sure you can get them logged into the Zoom video chat.
Kid's Live Sunday Program
Ali will be live to video chat with your kids and run a Sunday Morning Ministry. Help them get their device set-up.
Join us on our online church environment for the Zoom info for the week.
Kids Corner | Wednesdays 4pm | Live on Zoom
We will be hosting a LIVE VIDEO CHAT time on Zoom every single Wednesday at 4PM! Miss Ali will be leading kids in a different small project, activity, or craft each week. This will be an awesome time to stay connected and to get your creative juices flowing. Contact Ali for the Zoom info for this week: