Easter Egg Hunt & Cook Out Happening April 10th!

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

Hey LiveOak Church! We could use your help!

On April 10th, there will be an Easter Egg hunt and family lunch after our Palm Sunday service.

How you can help:

  • Donate plastic easter eggs, egg fillers, or eggs you’ve filled yourself. You can fill them with candy or small knick-knacks like stickers.

  • We will need your donations prior to April 3rd. Please drop them in the wooden donation box to the left of the front door when you walk into the church.

The egg hunt and hot dogs are for everyone, so even if you don’t have kids hunting eggs, we hope you stay for lunch and fellowship.

This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor to check us out!

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Whitney Krusee or Julie Haney.