Youth Director Announcement

Meet Josh Day

Josh is our incoming youth director who will start on our team in June. He is a veteran youth pastor working on his Master's Degree in Youth Ministry through the CYMT program. Josh is married to Ariel who is a physical therapist. Together they have heart for building relationships with students.

Watch the interview we did with them on our Sunday Livestream Gathering...

In February we let you know that our current Youth Director, Katie Brown will launch into ministry back in her hometown of Houston this coming June. Katie dreamed-up and built an incredible student ministry here at LiveOak and we helped her finish her Masters Degree through a residency program. LiveOak is very excited for Katie as she follows God's call into her next phase of ministry!

Our Elders have been searching and praying for our next steps as a church. Student ministry has become a priority at LiveOak and we wanted to make sure we didn't loose any momentum.