Journey to Easter | April 5

Family Experience | This Sunday | 10:30

This week is Palm Sunday and we are going to do an interactive walk through the last week of Jesus' life. We have created an all-ages family experience that we will walk through together here: [If the app is overloaded, you can also join us on the youtube backup stream]

Our Youth & Kids ministry team will join us this week, so gather the whole family and find a place where you can move around a bit. We'll wave branches, wash hands, take communion & hammer a nail.

Gather These Supplies for Sunday

Your family needs to make sure you have a few supplies to join us in this journey:

  1. a couple branches (could be palm, but whatever you have will work)

  2. a large bowl with water in it (for hand washing)

  3. a towel (for hand drying)

  4. a small piece of paper & pen/pencil for each person

  5. a nail (one per person or share if you want)

  6. one hammer

  7. one scrap of wood (to nail into)

  8. grape juice for each person (or whatever juice you have)

  9. some bread or crackers

  10. a smooth rock (big enough to write a word on)

  11. a marker that'll write on that rock


We know it is a lot to gather - but it'll be worth it to share in this interactive time together! If you have questions, contact Caz